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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Missouri Math Standards - 7th GradeMathScore aligns to the Missouri Math Standards for 7th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and OperationsN.1.A.07 compare and order integers, positive rationals and percents, including finding their approximate location on a number line (Order Decimals , Compare Mixed Values , Compare Mixed Values 2 , Positive Number Line , Number Line , Fraction Comparison , Compare Decimals , Compare Integers )N.1.B.07 use fractions, decimals and percents to solve problems (Unit Cost , Fraction Word Problems , Fraction Word Problems 2 , Percentage Change , Purchases At Stores , Restaurant Bills , Commissions , Percent of Quantity ) N.1.C.07 recognize equivalent representations for the same number and generate them by decomposing and composing numbers, including exponential notation (Decimal Place Value , Exponent Basics ) N.1.D.07 use whole number factors and multiples to describe relationships between and among numbers (Prime Factoring , Factoring ) N.2.B.07 describe the effects of multiplication and division on fractions and addition and subtraction on integers (Fraction Multiplication , Fraction Division , Integer Addition , Integer Subtraction , Positive Integer Subtraction , Integer Equivalence ) N.2.C.07 apply properties of operations (including order of operations) to positive rational numbers (Using Parentheses , Order Of Operations ) N.2.D.07 approximate the value of square roots to the nearest whole number (Estimating Square Roots ) N.3.C.07 multiply and divide positive rational numbers (Money Multiplication , Money Division , Unit Cost , Fraction Multiplication , Fraction Division , Decimal Multiplication , Decimal Division , Integer Multiplication , Integer Division ) N.3.D.07 estimate and justify the results of multiplication and division of positive rational numbers (Estimated Multiplication , Estimated Division , Estimated Multiply Divide Word Problems ) N.3.E.07 solve problems involving proportions, such as scaling and finding equivalent ratios (Unit Cost , Proportions 1 , Proportions 2 , Distance, Rate, and Time , Ratios ) Algebraic RelationshipsA.1.B.07 analyze patterns represented graphically or numerically using words or symbolic rules, including recursive notation (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 )A.1.C.07 compare and contrast various forms of representations of patterns A.1.D.07 identify functions as linear or nonlinear from tables, graphs or equations A.2.A.07 use variables to represent unknown quantities in equations and inequalities (Phrases to Algebraic Expressions , Variable Substitution , Algebraic Sentences 2 , Algebraic Sentences ) A.2.B.07 generate equivalent forms for simple algebraic expressions (Simplifying Algebraic Expressions , Simplifying Radical Expressions ) A.3.A.07 model and solve problems, using multiple representations such as graphs, tables, expressions, equations or inequalities (Algebraic Word Problems ) A.4.A.07 compare situations with constant or varying rates of change Geometric and Spatial RelationshipsG.1.A.07 classify two- and three-dimensional shapes based on their properties (Triangle Types , Polygon Names )G.1.B.07 describe relationships between corresponding sides, corresponding angles and corresponding perimeters of similar polygons (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) G.2.A.07 given ordered pairs, identify geometric shapes in the coordinate plane using their properties G.3.A.07 reposition shapes under informal transformations, such as reflection (flip), rotation (turn) and translation (slide) G.3.B.07 describe the relationship between the scale factor and the perimeter of the image using a dilation (contractions -- magnifications) (stretching/shrinking) G.3.C.07 determine all lines of symmetry of polygons G.4.A.07 use spatial visualizations to identify various two-dimensional views of isometric drawings G.4.B.07 draw or use visual models to represent and solve problems (Proportions 2 ) MeasurementM.1.A.07 identify and justify the unit of measure for volume including customary and metric measurementsM.1.B.07 identify the equivalent area measures within a system of measurement (e.g., sq ft. to sq in.) (Area and Volume Conversions ) M.1.C.07 solve problems involving addition and subtraction of time (hours, minutes and seconds) (Time Intervals , Train Problems ) M.2.B.07 use tools to measure angles to the nearest degree M.2.C.07 describe how to solve problems involving circumference and/or area of a circle (Circle Area , Circle Circumference ) M.2.D.07 analyze precision and accuracy in measurement situations M.2.E.07 convert from one unit to another within a system of measurement (capacity) (Volume Conversion ) Data and ProbabilityD.1.A.07 formulate questions, design studies and collect data about a characteristicD.1.C.07 select, create and use appropriate graphical representation of data, including circle graphs, histograms and box and whisker plots D.2.A.07 find, use and interpret measures of center and spread, including ranges and interquartile range (Mean, Median, Mode , Stem And Leaf Plots ) D.2.B.07 compare different representations of the same data and evaluate how well each representation shows important aspects of the data D.3.A.07 use observations about differences between samples to make conjectures about the populations from which the samples were taken D.4.A.07 use models to compute the probability of an event (Probability ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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